Scroll down and choose “Update & Security.”.Click the “Windows” icon on the taskbar to access the “Start” menu.Learn why the Bluetooth button is missing by running the troubleshooter. Select “Apply” and then “OK” to finish.Choose “Options” to enable “Show the Bluetooth icon in the notification area.”.Move to “Related Settings” and select “More Bluetooth Options.”.Select the cog icon and choose “Devices.”.Press the Windows button to show the “Start” menu.It is possible that “Bluetooth Settings” have a problem. (Optional) Reorder the icons so Bluetooth shows up in the first row for quicker access.If Bluetooth is missing from the list of icons, select “Add” on the bottom.The top row is what will show up when you enter Action Center. You can reorder icons by dragging and dropping.Choose “Edit your quick actions” from the Settings dialog.Open the “Action Center” by pressing the “Win + A” keys or the message icon at the bottom right on the toolbar.The Bluetooth On/Off button could be absent from the list because you accidentally disabled it.

You can click on “Expand” to show the full list. However, the Action Center usually shows the four most frequently used shortcuts and hides the rest. Bluetooth might not be one of the shortcuts your system considers crucial and might’ve left it out from the menu. It contains shortcuts to crucial settings. The one at the bottom is called the Quick Action menu. One is at the top, showing all notifications from the system and installed apps. Editing the Quick Actions Menu in the Action CenterĪ PC’s Action Center has two sections.